We want to celebrate the work that JESUS is doing through our unstoppable community of givers! Our goal is to tour Pen Florida for the purpose of celebrating what God is doing through Speed the Light and Youth Alive Missions! In 2024, we are gathering regionally around the state. Let’s do something amazing together.

Speed The Light


Giving is our privilege. We give so that missionaries all over the world can travel faster, minister more effectively, and be heard louder as they proclaim the Name of JESUS!

Our Why



Missions Gala

Give Now


(Coming Soon)

Ideas for Impact

Partner with your youth pastor to do something creative to raise money for Speed the Light.  The craziest thing you can do is nothing!

 1. Make a monthly commitment to give to STL.

2. Pick a specific missionaries to pray for each month from our “Project List.”

3. Plan a fundraiser for you and some friends.

4. Go on a missions trip and experience why we give first hand.

5. Attend the Jesus Tour and give in the offering.

6. Pledge your next birthday for STL.

7. Partner with your youth pastor, your section, or other Campus Missionaries.

8. Host a walk-a-thon, car wash, or other service activity.

9. Host a special STL service and take up an offering.

10. Serve at the Daytona 500 or Coke Zero 400 to raise money.


BONUS: Start a social media campaign and/or follow PFSpeedtheLight on Instagram. 


When students and youth pastors partner together for missions, powerful things happen! Giving to Speed the Light helps missionaries all over the world travel faster, minister more effectively, and be heard louder as they proclaim Jesus. Student initiated activities and the STL Tour are our primary ways of raising funds for STL.